
Phone Schedule

Phone Schedule

All-in-one scheduler for Android. Create a task once and it will execute automatically. Configure time and days of week when you want it to repeat. Sound mode, WiFi, Bluetooth, Airplane mode, Brightness, Launch apps, Mobile data, Reminders.


KingoRoot, both PC and APK version, offers the easiest and fastest Android rooting experience for almost all devices and has the highest success rate.
Pocket Informant

Pocket Informant

Budite Ninja za produktivnost: kalendar, zadaci, bilješke i kontakti.
Distant Suns (series)

Distant Suns (series)

Aplikacija Distant Suns astronomija nagrađivani je ručni planetarij s preko 25 godina razvoja, koji vam nudi novi način gledanja u nebo sa Zemlje na gotovo.


Flipboard je brz i lijep način za prelistavanje vijesti, fotografija i ažuriranja koje vaši prijatelji dijele na Facebooku i Twitteru.


Viadeo je profesionalna društvena mreža koju koristi preko 40 milijuna profesionalaca u 226 zemalja širom svijeta.
Unified Remote

Unified Remote

Unified Remote je aplikacija koja vam omogućuje upravljanje cijelim računalom s mobilnog uređaja.
Absolute Guitar

Absolute Guitar

Learn and Play Guitar on your mobile phone.Key Features: Play guitar on simulator - Configure and Learn Chords - Authentic Acoustic and guitar sounds - For Beginners and Intermediates - Simple and Easy to use! - Free Application -.
Max Fitness Personal Trainer

Max Fitness Personal Trainer

Pomoćnik za obuku i prehranu za sve ljude koji žele postati najbolja verzija sebe.


Nabavite trenutnu temperaturu i oštre vremenske upozorenja za svoju lokaciju izravno na traci sa zadacima, kao i trenutne uvjete, prognoze, animirani radar i karte i još mnogo toga.Ad-podržani.
PHP Code Play

PHP Code Play

In this PHP Code Play application, we can be learning about php. Also, we focus most of the PHP versions like PHP 5 PHP 7.2 PHP 7 versions.


Foodvisor je trener prehrane koji će vam pomoći zdravije jesti i postići svoj cilj.Samo fotografirajte svoj obrok i dobit ćete činjenice o njegovoj prehrani!
Adobe XD

Adobe XD

Adobe XD (Experience Design) is a vector-based tool developed and published by Adobe Inc for designing and prototyping user experience for web and mobile apps.


Slingsters is a 2D physics-based logic puzzles game for Android and iOS, where players slingshot tiny monsters with various abilities around while interacting with the environment.
Limbo PC Emulator

Limbo PC Emulator

Limbo je Intel x86 PC Emulator utemeljen na QEMU.